Philippe Loctaux

Developer of all sorts. Epitech alumni, class of 2023.


About Phil

Developer of all sorts

I got into computer science by learning about the Linux kernel and administrating servers.

After high school, I became a student at Epitech and learned to tackle technical concepts and apply them quickly by working on small projects.

During my studies at Epitech, I had the opportunity to be a teacher. My role was to assist students with technical problems in their projects.

Now I have experience in software engineering, full-stack web and mobile development, system administration and CI/CD, as well as embedded development.

My goal is to use my knowledge and experience to make software helping its users accomplish their needs.

Professional Experiences

Rubycat logo
Since June 2023

Software engineer

Maintenance and improvement of PROVE IT, a Privileged Access Management software platform.

  • Rewrote an internal component in Rust, making it faster and simpler to use for the development team
  • Bug investigation and fixes
  • Public speaking about the product
Company website
Acklio logo
March 2023 - May 2023

Rust developer

The first usage of the SCHC framework (RFC 8724) on Rust!

  • Creation of Rust bindings of a C library implementing the SCHC framework
  • Demonstration of SCHC with applications in Rust on x86 platform
  • Proof of concept usage of embedded STM32 controllers exclusively in Rust
  • Transmission of knowledge to the technical team
RustSCHCSTM32 controllersLoRaLoRaWAN
Company website
Vélorail du Kreiz Breizh logo
Vélorail du Kreiz Breizh
August 2021 - April 2022

Freelance developer

Creation of an online booking platform focused on the tourist activity of rail biking (vélorail).

  • Design, UX, booking and payment flow for customers
  • Dashboard for managers with calendar view, manual bookings, slots management
  • Ability to generate invoices, booking recaps for managers
  • Sending emails to customers and managers about bookings
  • Online deployment, maintenance of the service
  • 5 months after the initial deployment, 43% of the bookings were made with the online platform
  • Focus to use the least amount of external services, resulting in implementation of a invoice generation service, an image-based captcha, and a templating system for transactional emails
AngularNestJSGraphQLRustStripeAmazon SESGitLab CI/CD
Not available
Yaakadev logo
April 2021 - July 2021

Full-Stack developer

Design, development, deployment and maintenance of many projects for various clients.

  • Admin dashboard of a local merchants solution
  • Calendar planning application with filtering and custom views for a SaaS for the agency
  • Intranet to upload and download documents for a client
Agency website
Epitech logo
Februrary 2020 - March 2021

Teaching assistant

Pedagogical supervision of three classes of students, conducting educational activites throughout the school year.

  • Start of projects
  • Technical help and guidance
  • Proctoring exams
  • Grading students on their work
CC++HaskellRustWeb and mobile development
Ubiscale logo
August 2019 - December 2019

Embedded developer

Creation of a home Wifi gateway for a commercial IoT object.

  • Research, reverse engineering of existing products
  • Design and implementation
C on a ESP8266 controllerWi-FiBluetooth
Company website


ezidam logo
January 2023 - July 2023

Identity and Access Management system

A simple identity and access management system for SMEs or personal use.

Low maintenance required, easy to deploy and to backup.

  • Users management
  • Roles management
  • Assign users to roles and the other way around
  • OAuth2 / OIDC applications (code flow)
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (TOTP)
  • Password reset (via email or backup token)
  • Simple administration panel
  • Good security measures for users and administrators
November 2020 - January 2021

Password manager

Port of passwordstore, the standard unix password manager on the Windows platform.

Warning! Unfinished command line application, may cause data corruption when using existing passwords.

  • Creation of a store
  • List secrets
  • Decrypt secret
  • Insert or generate secrets
  • Edit existing secrets
  • Synchronisation with git
  • TOTP support
Source code
NaviaRent image
NaviaRent logo
September 2020 - January 2023

Epitech Innovative Project

A B2B platform helping rentals of standup paddle boards.

  • DevOps of all software in the NaviaRent stack
  • Creation of the iOS application
  • Contributions to the Android application
  • Contributions to the backend server
  • Creation and contributions to the web client
  • Server administration, backups
  • Meetings managements spread across 3 timezones
  • Technical writing
  • Public presentations
NodeJSAngularKotlinSwiftUIDockerGitLab CI/CDRaspberry PiESP32
Not available
June 2020 - September 2020

Presence system at Epitech

A library and web client to simplify students presence at Epitech.

Students are handed a piece of paper with a 6 digits number (called a "token") to verify their presence at school events.

Teachers use epitok to scan student cards with QR codes on them instead of printing and handing tokens to students.

  • Reverse engineering of a partially documented web API
  • Design, conception
  • User experience
  • Improvements based of usage of the application
Source code
November 2019 - Februrary 2019

Calendar for Epitech

A viewer of the Epitech intranet calendar.

Students and teachers glance at their planning without the need to go on the school's intranet.

  • Reverse engineering of a web api
  • Design a web page
  • Mobile UX
  • Deployment on a server
Source code image logo
April 2017 - January 2020

Timelapse is a shared place to express creativity.

People from all over the world share one single canvas to paint on.

I created and maintained a timelapse of the virtual canvas.

FFmpegShell scriptingnginx


Epitech logo
October 2018 - August 2023

Master in Computer software engineering

  • Many small projects in C to learn a technical concept during first year
  • my_teams: Microsoft Teams clone in C (protocol design, networking, server, client)
  • Arcade: Small gaming platform capable of loading dynamic libraries with a high abstraction level in C++
  • Epicture: Android client in Kotlin of the Imgur image service (OAuth2, listing, viewing, uploading images)
UQAC logo
September 2021 - May 2022

Year abroad in Computer software engineering

  • Android app development
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Software engineering
  • Entreprise application development


Giving a talk is the opportunity to share what I know, and helps me reduce my fear of public speaking.

Februrary 2023
Epitech Rennes
March 2021
Epitech Rennes
git & devops 2
Februrary 2021
Epitech Rennes
Februrary 2021
Epitech Rennes
git & devops
May 2020
Epitech Rennes
git gud
May 2019
Epitech Rennes


Folks I worked with, or I like what they do.

If you do not appear here and we know each other, hit me up!